Best Practices on Common European Reporting Structures
From XBRLWiki
The EBA Eurofiling project is in the process of reviewing the existing Finrep & Corep taxonomies in order to take in production a new version in 2012. In order to make the potential adoption by any country interested in the new versions as smooth as possible, the XBRL taxonomy team is trying to gather the reporting requirements and standards of as many european countries as possible (even if they do not use XBRL or FINREP / COREP at present). The goal is to make their potential switch as easy as possible, should they decide some day to switch to the new FINREP / COREP.
One result of these efforts is the file below, which gives the results of a questionnaire that has been sent to all countries represented in the CEBS to enquire which "header" information is needed for the respective national reporting to work.
Eurofiling header questionnaire results
The technical contact persons that received the original questionnaire are invited
- to confirm that their requirements are well reflected in the previous file
- to add other requirements if needed
via e-mail
The CEBS Eurofiling project is also considering the
DGI taxonomy
as an useful way to harmonize the collection of additional information about the filer.